Monday, January 18, 2016

I'm bringing Mexican food to South Africa

Okay wow the Zone Leaders just came and said we have to take them to get their bakkie serviced so I literally have like 5 minutes

Long story short -- this week was great! The highlight of the week was committing 4 investigators to baptism on the 31st of January! The last day of the transfer! Although I don't want to go, I think I'll be transferred in 2 weeks! There is a saying here, "My home is My Newcastle" and that is so true! I love it here! I love the work so much! I have so much hope and see so much potential for Newcastle Branch to thrive! We have a lot of potential priesthood holders who are progressing really well! If I leave I hope to hear that they make it all the way to the waters of baptism! I can testify that there is no greater way to expand our happiness than to make and keep covenants with our father in Heaven! 

Another highlight was introducing a member family to burritos! They had never even heard of them before! So obviously we can't have that -- With the help of The Hind's and the Shange family we put together a really nice burrito bar and showed them how to make and eat burritos! The first words that Ma Shange said when she took the first bite was "wow that's really good!!" and we all started laughing. Long story short (again) -- everybody LOVED them! 

The church is (SO) true, the book is blue, I'm a child of God and so are you!!

Also, it rained a lot this week -- which was a HUGE blessing! 

(Elder Sixaba and I all bundled up in our raincaots -- still happy tho :))

Love you all!
Elder Weiler

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