Monday, February 8, 2016

a service project, a dislocated elbow, and a long-awaited shower

Okay wow so the wifi at the chapel isn't working so now we are at a suuuper sketchy internet café and my keyboard is broken so I can only capitalise some letters and I can't type any question marks hahaha so please, in advance, excuse grammatical and spelling errors.

Whatta week!! On Tuesday we picked up Elder Agyeman, I don't know if I mentioned this last week, but he's from Ghana! being in a threesome has been an interesting adjustment to our missionary work -- but so far I really enjoy it! Our lessons have so much more power behind them as the three of us bear testimony of the principles and ordinances of the gospel!

Okay I might as well come clean now... I have a personal trainer... He's 70 years old.. It's Elder Hind. hahahah We often see Elder Hind running in the morning and I have always wanted to run with him, but my companion didn't want to, so never got the chance' HOWEVER now that I have two companions I can leave the two of them and go run with Elder Hind! and to be honest, he's kicking my butt. That guy can run. but I have really been enjoying our morning runs!! I firmly believe that disciplining our minds and our bodies through exercise will further develop our ability to withstand and overcome temptation! I have developed such a deeper appreciation of the Word of Wisdom since I came on mission; I think that it may be one of the easiest commandments to overlook; but it is much more than just abstaining from harmful substance -- the Word of Wisdom is a blueprint for the ideal lifestyle to promote stronger physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health! I would encourage each of you to look deeper into the Word of Wisdom and prayerfully seek what the lord would have you do to bring you life into closer harmony with His sacred laws.

Remember back a few months ago when I got Ebola from that school, ncandu Combined! (Pretend the exclamation point is a question mark) Well.. we went back! We had a service project there on Saturday; we painted some classrooms with members from Newcastle and Madadeni! The project went great and the classes look awesome! The funniest thing though is that they had food there again... and all of you should know that I have a hard time resisting free food... so I ate there again! hahahah however I am as healthy as a horse!!

Okay well the topic might seem random.. but it all connects I promise! during the service project some of the members from Madadeni were trash talking us missionaries; they heard that we play a lot of soccer and they doubted our skills, so they challenged us to a game. Right after the service project we all got together at our pitch and started a really nice game of soccer! but the game ended rather unfortunately, Elder Agyeman (who is like the best soccer player I have ever met in my life) was tripped and when he fell he managed to dislocate his elbow.... so yeah.. envision that... It looked super nasty. so we had to rush him to the hospital, where we spent 5 1/2 hours!!! needless to say, Saturday was a long day. hahaha Elder agyeman is fine now! also, none of us had showered that day since we had a project early in the morning and began playing soccer right after -- so we didn't get to shower until like 10 PM!! I don't know if I have ever wanted to shower more in my entire life... hahah!

While we were sitting at the hospital I had a nice conversation with the Hind's about some of President Uchtdorf's remarks during this past General Conference; primarily, "are you satisfied with you experience in the Church of jesus Christ of latter day saints (Question mark). and it provided a great opportunity to really ponder that question, and my answer is "YEs! absolutely!" I am so grateful to be a member of Christ's Church! I love it in Matthew when jesus counsels His disciples on how to spot false prophets -- he says, "by their fruits ye shall know them." as I pondered the "fruits" that have grown in my life due to activity and love of the Church of jesus Christ of latter day saints, I realised that I couldn't be more satisfied with my membership!! I would encourage each of you to ponder the same question as I did; ponder until you have determined your answer!

Well I only bought one hour at this sketchy shop, so I think I'll wrap this up and try to respond to a few emails. but I hope that all of you know that I love this gospel with all of my heart! I am grateful for the knowledge we have that through the atonement of Christ, we are able to have second chances, we are able to continually progress and get better, and we are able to be forgiven of our sins! I testify that this is true, and I don't even want to imagine where I would be without the solid foundation of my belief in jesus Christ! I pray that each and every single one of you will continue to seek out that which is righteous, continually hold fast to it, and enjoy the peace and happiness that comes from discipleship, obedience, and sincere effort!

This is Elder Weiler, signing out ( seriously I want to get out of here... It smells like cigarettes and I think this keyboard has more bacteria than the surface of a toilet seat....)

sale kahle!

Elder Weiler

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