Monday, December 19, 2016

Sweet Spirit

Ho ho ho beloved friends and family,  Elder Jantjies and I are really feeling the Christmas Spirit. We were feeling a little down the other day so we started wishing every person a Merry Christmas as we drove past them, we also bought Santa hats and started giving out LIGHTtheWORLD cards, definitely turned around our day!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Elder Jantjies and I had to laugh today as I read to him all of the emails from friends/family complaining about the cold, it's full blown summer in Lesotho! 😎 It's so hot that we walk out of the shower still covered in sweat.. delightful :) 

Well this week FLEW by! To be candid, we struggled finding people to teach. During Christmas everybody wants to go home, and those that are home are celebrating with family; so it's hard to sit down with people to teach. HOWEVER, the Lord provided for us! I've learned that as missionaries (and frankly as human beings) we're frequently tested to see how committed we really are to this gospel and to the work of the Lord. When we prove diligent, the Lord pours out blessings. When we don't prove diligent those blessings are withheld.

We were invited to another event hosted by the HWPL! (I mentioned them about two months ago. They're an organization that strives to bring about religious tranquility by hosting scriptural discussions and helping different denominations understand one another). We placed two copies of the Book of Mormon while we were there! One of them was ECSTATIC, I've never seen somebody so happy to receive a copy! I pray to hear more about him from the missionaries that work in his area (he's from South Africa, still in Durban mission)!

Well, the time is far spent, but all I can say is I love this work! I know that the Lord guides His missionaries! Elder Jantjies and I definitely saw that this week! I'm grateful for His Spirit, I'm grateful for the conversion that can take place in all of us! I know that God lives! I'm grateful that He allows us to change! I wouldn't trade my mission, nor the things that I've learned and the man I'm becoming, for anything!! The restored gospel is true!!

Merry Christmas!

Elder Weiler

                                            We wore matching ties to church, father/son :,)

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